Manna House Pop-Up Pantries

Keeping families fed through the hungriest months of the year. Together.

During the school year, most students in public schools receive meals at no cost. These meals are vital for students who are food-insecure as they may be the only meals they receive each day. But when school is not in session, students no longer have access to the lunch program, and nutrition can become a major issue.

Manna House will help meet the needs of families in our community by offering Pop-Up Pantries in various locations! Pop-up pantries are open to the public and recipients do not have to meet any requirements.*
Pop-Up Pantries open at the times listed below and will remain open while supplies last.**
Visitors should bring a bag, box or wagon to carry items back to their vehicle.

*Each first-time visitor will need to fill out a form (per NTFB requirements)
**All pop-up pantries (on dates listed) are subject to cancellation due to low supply