Manna House Launches #TeamManna

Non-profit Kicks-Off Giving Campaign with “Souper Bowl”

MIDLOTHIAN, TEXAS – March 1, 2023 – Following the nation’s most anticipated football championship of the year, two rival schools found themselves in their own competition of a different sort. Following very successful seasons for both programs, the Midlothian High School (MHS) and Midlothian Heritage High School (MHHS) football teams challenged each other to a “Souper Bowl” during the week of February 13-17th. But in this competition, Manna House and the community would be the ultimate winners.

Throughout the week, players from both teams collected canned foods and other non-perishable items at their schools. On Saturday, the two teams joined up to deliver nearly 900 pounds of food to Manna House. Wanting to give their players an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills off the field, MHS Coach Doug Wendel jumped at the chance when MHHS Coach Eric Edwards called him with the challenge.

“Our community in Midlothian gives back and supports our programs all the time. Whenever we have the opportunity to teach our kids about giving back, we want to do that. I’m really proud of how they responded and we look forward to doing these types of events. We are grateful we were asked to be a part of it,” says Coach Wendel.

Coach Edwards – “We always want to give the guys an opportunity to serve and mode that. This was a pretty cool deal and we look forward to future opportunities that will not just include these two programs, but all of our athletes. First time doing it is exciting, it really comes down to serving people and modeling that. We’re excited about any opportunities to do this with our guys.”

This donation event not only contributed much needed food to Manna House’s pantry, but also helped to kick-off Manna’s latest giving campaign, “Join #TeamManna!” This drive encourages people to commit to making a small recurring donation each month in the amounts of $15, $30 $50 or another amount of their choosing.

Being part of #TeamManna means building community with others and changing lives! By joining, members will be part of a movement that’s helping residents receive access to essential services and healthy food at Manna House.

Many of the players were also excited to lead out and be a part of #TeamManna. MHHS player, Temerrick Johnson told us, “I feel like this is important because it helps both football teams. We have the opportunity to help out those who are not as fortunate as everyone else and are in need of food and other things.”

MHS player Dejasper Weeb thought this activity was a great team-building experience. “This experience was fun because my team likes to help people and give back where we can!”

These players are helping to lead a stronger community. The leadership of the football teams serves as an excellent example to our community of how we can make a bigger difference when we work together.

Are you ready to be a part of a winning team?

Join #TeamManna today by visiting and choosing a monthly donation leve. As a monthly giving member of #TeamManna, you will have access to:

  • Complimentary car decals
  • Discount coupons to shop in Heaven’s Attic 
  • Invitations to volunteer socials
  • Monthly volunteer news updates
  • A network of other like-minded teammates helping their community!